Nano Carbon Film Heater

for Jacket Heater

The jacket heater, utilizing VESTATON® nano carbon film heater, offers superior temperature maintenance, uniformity,
durability, assembly, and heat transfer efficiency. It provides an excellent solution for preventing scale buildup in
semiconductor hot gas transfer pipes and reducing power consumption for RE100 and CO2 emissions.

  • From high efficiency to high temperature stability,
    precise temperature control, and compact size.

    VESTATON® overcomes installation
    challenges in confined spaces and
    significantly improves system efficiency.

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      Easy assembly and maintenance, high-efficiency thermal insulation design

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      Easy design of power consumption, output, and saturation temperature

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      Stable saturation temperature without peak current when applying voltage

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      High design flexibility

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      Drive voltage(AC/DC irrelevant) DC 1.6V ~ 800V

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      Control of maximum saturation temperature, output, and heat density

Power Consumption Evaluation

Teraon’s Film Jacket Heater boasts superior heat distribution with over 98.2% uniformity,
unlike other competing products with uneven heat generation.