Nano Carbon Film Heater

for EV

VESTATON® generates heat with a very low power, while offering excellent comfort for drivers
and space efficiency. Furthermore, it offers a fast ramp, a prevention for low-temperature burn,
and energy efficiency, enhancing both practicality and convenience of electric vehicles.

  • Hands Off Detection for
    Autonomous Driving
    with VESTATON®

    The Hands-Off Detection system employing a steering wheel with an integrated heater enables a fast and safe transition to autonomous driving.
    Leveraging capacitive sensing technology, our system ensures reliable detection of presence of driver’s hands on the steering wheel.
    We offer a multi-zone design for customization. The development of the system is expected to be completed in 2024.

    • HANDS ON


    Improving Energy Efficiency for EV

    Teraon is actively conducting research and development with the goal of achieving a 50% reduction in heating power consumption and over 15% improvement in winter driving range for electric vehicles.
    Lithium-ion batteries experience performance, efficiency, and lifespan degradation during the winter season, and the automotive market is facing increasingly stringent regulations on exhaust emissions and fuel efficiency.
    In the rapidly growing green car market, Teraon provides effective solutions to improve heating and battery efficiency.